Submit to Paparazzii Ready
Thank you for choosing to submit to Paparazzii Ready. “Where We Keep You Ready For The Red Carpet!”
For artists that receive our free feature, please realize that Paparazzii Ready is NOT a promotional company/website. We are a blog that features artists like you! In order to keep receiving free features, you need to support our site as we support your music.
- Make sure to follow our main Twitter acct: @Paparazziiready AND make sure to follow the writer who posted your feature (This information can be found at the top of the post) Also make sure to retweet our tweets to your followers so they know where to check out your music.
- Make sure to Like us on Facebook where your feature will also be posted and share with your friend
All Submissions Must Include the Following:
1. Artist Name(s)
2. Twitter Acct(s) **please also add featured artists and producers if available*
3. MP3 or link to Mp3 (ex: SoundCloud, Hulkshare, Zippyshare, Audiomack)
4. Official Video (optional..but MUST be an official video, do not send us audio videos)
5. Song Description or Artist Bio
6. High Resolution photo to go with the post ( at least 400×600)
These are just some simple things to help us help you! We do check artists pages to make sure they are promoting their posts on our site, so if you don’t do so…don’t expect to keep receiving free features.
Due to high volume, there is now a $25 process fee for priority placement. Yes Paparazzii Ready is still FREE to submit for consideration, but to make sure your feature 100% guaranteed placed on the site, the Process Fee is Mandatory.
The $100 fee covers the following:
- Guaranteed placement on
- Our dynamic Social Media Blast through the following sites:
- Yahoo SEO Blast
- Paparazzii Ready RSS Email Feed
- Google+ Blast from all Members of Paparazzii Ready reaching over 100K circles of media contacts
Please send $100 submission fee to Paypal:
Once the transaction is completed, Send us an email with your Paypal transaction number along with the following info:
1. Artist Name(s)
2. Twitter Acct(s) **please also add featured artists and producers if available*
3. MP3 or link to Mp3 (ex: SoundCloud, Hulkshare, Zippyshare, Audiomack)
4. Official Video (optional..but MUST be an official video, do not send us audio videos)
5. Song Description or Artist Bio
6. Facebook Fan Page url (Make sure to like our Fan Page so you can see your post)
7. anything else you want to send that is relevant to the post.
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