Mother and Aunt Of Richard Risher Jr. Say Police Kicked and Spit On Him Before Death



Another headline, another family left wondering what happened and a nation that continues to scratch it’s head on why so many unarmed Americans are being shot and killed by police officers.

Richard Risher Jr. an 18 year old man was shot and killed July 25th 2016 in Watts California. Many conflicting news stories about the cop who was injured and Richards death have been circulating the news feeds. Lisa Simpson and Yolanda Mims-Barrow Richards mother and aunt want to set the record straight about what happened to Richard right before he died and how he was left to bleed out on the pavement.

In a phone interview they both revealed who Richard was and how disappointed they are in the way his story is being told. They expressed Richard was shot while unarmed and with his hands up

In the audios below both Lisa Simpson and Yolanda Mims-Barrow do not hold back.

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