Teen Vogue presents the “Dead Roses” EP, a 5 track project focusing on the ups and downs of love.
With this EP, I’ve really put in a lot of time and work to be as great as I can be. I shut myself from social media and friends to focus solely on music for 6 months and I really feel like it shows. I’ve progressed so much and I’m finally ready to show people what I’ve got.
As far as the singles go, All the beats that were produced for this project are by some of the best producers in the emo rap scene right now. many have worked with huge artists and I’m so glad that they helped me craft this EP. I worked with some incredible singer – songwriters too, Yung Luv is a close friend of mine and I’m so glad he agreed to hop on a track with me.
Also a big shout out to my friends that helped me with artwork and social media, Thanks to them, I have a very cohesive looking project/brand.