What’s going on Tilsa we appreciate you spending time with us. For those who don’t know, where are you from and what inspired you to become an author?
I was born in Kingston Jamaica West Indies however I migrated to the states and proudly love and live in Brooklyn New York.
How do you come up with the concept of the book before you write it?
Great question. It actually varies, sometimes while listening to music or depends on where I am at or doing, the simplest thing inspires a story concept.
Being from Brooklyn, NY, have you experienced any obstacles as an independent author?
Brooklyn is a cultural melting pot and with that said and to be very honest no obstacles. My borough-mates hold me down. I mean small businesses, promoters, media outlets and fellow authors has given me tremendous support. However you used the word independent, and this word usually comes with no budget for an effective marketing campaign like authors with a huge publishing deal.
You’ve written multiple books and the most recent being “Lady in Red”. Without given the readers too much explain to us what the book is about?
The main character Keisha Lopez is facing challenges and has decided to put her street life behind for a more white chalk way of living. Her issues are relatable. Keisha’s voice echoes what most young ladies in the urban areas are faced with. Drugs, abusive and being labeled as bottom feeders with no positive outlook. Oppressive stigmatism is ruthless if you ask me.
What are some challenges you face as an author out of Brooklyn, New York?
Given that I am independent, not having a budget to effectively market my book is the gravest challenge I actually face.
Tell us the process behind writing the book and what how you were able to publish it?
My writing process is fun, intense and thrilling. A combination of many emotions as I mentally connect with the characters. Also I allocate long hours and at least 5 consecutive days to lay the foundation. As for the business process, after writing I commission someone who works independently to edit and at the same time have my graphic designer create my book cover. Naturally the legal requirement of copyrighting so as to project my intellectual property. Final stage is uploading my work and distribution outlet on both Amazon and Kindle. You see Amazon has a very easy and accessible self-publishing online platform.
You been all around New York expanding you brand to multiple markets and gaining exposure for this latest release. What are some tips you can give to inspiring authors looking to promote their first book?
Place great emphasis on your core audience, give yourself time to connect with them and do study how to keep them engaged. Always keep your sub-audience in your focus and don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to random marketing opportunities. Establish and maintain partnership with a handful of media outlets. Look around in your community and recognize who is doing what and building that bridge. Your resources on all levels are usually your best assets.
Talk to us about Keisha. All over social media there is talk about trying to find this lady. Why is she a person of interest?
Social Media and it’s marketing effect is absolutely engaging as hell. LOL. You see Harlem Rapper Dave East recently released a song titled ‘Keisha’ and one of the messages in his song stresses that he is looking for her. Seeing the value and similarities with my book, I decided to look for the young lady in is music video. Oh yeah I sure as hell found her. Kaya Marley, a blood line of legend Bob Marley is a young video model and dancer. So we connect thanks to Heroes Headquarters and she did a 11 seconds promotional video for my book.
Is there any part of your book that describes your own life experiences? If so, in what way?
I lived in the 90’s and Clarkson Avenue like Keisha Lopez and was introduce to the Orisha spiritual faith thanks to a handful of Trinidadians. However the rest of the storyline is creative writing using relatable issues.
What’s next for Tilsa Wright and “Lady in Red”?
There will be a part 2 and ultimately my long term focus is to produce Lady in Red on film.
Any Shout outs? Where can we find the book and you online?
Shout out to HitSquadd Promotions, Heroes Headquarters, Brooklyn and all the boroughs. All who supported my work over the years. Mad love and respect. My book is available on Amazon and Kindle. I can be reached on all social media @tilsawright