Jontae Lofland more popularly known as Joni Grand is a young artist from Delaware, born March 31, 1990 who found his music gift at the age of 10. Growing up being past around from foster home to foster he began writing all his thoughts and frustrations on paper thinking nothing of it. Joni started off playing the keyboard and drums while attending church at N.C.O.M. He was curious if he could expand his music so he started to freestyle, rap & write and has been going strong ever since then.
Joni writes and engineer his own music and he help produce most of his own videos. He released his first mix tape “Welcome 2 Da Deli” November 23, 2012 under the rap name, J.Beleev.
Joni wanted a name that would fit his style and his growth as an artist, so renamed himself Joni Grand. In July of 2014 he released his second mixtape “Self Explanatory” which featured artist such as Lil Scrappy and Qt Jazz. On October 16, 2016 he released his third mixtape “Self Explanatory Pt2 Rebellious” which is hitting the streets hard. This young man is very talented in any area of music you throw at him. A punch-line rapper, who has bars for days but he loves telling a story that people can relate to. Joni Loves music to the fullest an always will. As a family trait he is the one who believes and peruses it to the max. FMM is his life, which means Family, Money, and Music!
Joni Grand drops another visual off of the “Self Explanatory Pt2″**Rebellious** mixtape entitled “Came Back”. With this visual he shows his vulnerability and how he was able to rise again. Heating up the Deleware area with this single he was able to express his side of the story.
Mixtape {{ Self Explanatory Pt2 Rebellious }} Joni Grand
Contact info: Joni Grand 302-259-1858 or 410-330-6869
Email: or

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