Rapper Artist Jovie Drops The 24 Hour Project | @WhoIsJovie

Rapper Artist Jovie Drops The 24 Hour Project
Rapper Artist Jovie Drops The 24 Hour Project

Rapper Artist Jovie Drops The 24 Hour Project

Rapper Artist Jovie Drops The 24 Hour Project
Rapper Artist Jovie Drops The 24 Hour Project

The 24 Hour Project by Jovie

Detroit Hip Hop Artist Jovie Drops The 24 Hour Project
With all this press, I’m sure by now You’re wondering Who Is Jovie?
His Buzz is Growing Fast, Havent heard of him? I’m sure you will soon.
Detroit Hip-Hop Artist Jovie continues to prove just how talented he really is! 
Just a few hours ago he released #The24HourProject
which includes 5 classic tracks, written and recorded within a 24 hour time span, hence the title#The24HourProject .Its projects like this that leads me to believe there’s still hope left for Hip-Hop as a whole.To deliver such quality work in such little time easily sets Jovie in a different bracket amongst his peers.
 See for your self, its available for free at the link below .

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