Track: Prada G – Only Human Featuring Martin Yates | @PradaGMusic @MartinRYMusic

Track: Prada G - Only Human Featuring Martin Yates
Track: Prada G - Only Human Featuring Martin Yates

Track: Prada G – Only Human Featuring Martin Yates | @PradaGMusic @MartinRYMusic

Based in sunny Southern California, 19 year  Old Singer-Songwriter Prada-G exemplifies the future of music. His charismatic, infectious voice resonates throughout his tracks blending various influences. You simply cannot categorize him into one genre which makes him a very solid listen no matter the song. As he combines Rap,Hip-Hop, and Pop in his songs, Prada-G is creating a heavy mixture of sound in which we can all enjoy for many years to come. 

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