A Flow different from the usual Rappers



A different flow! this is the first thing you perceive listening to “Street Rap Melodico” the debut album by Fresh Melody Flow, the emerging Italian rapper who collaborated with Fat joe.

This artist certainly has a different vision of Rap music from what we are used to hearing in this period, he does not have a trap or drill style, he has a style that recalls the roots of hip hop

but reworked in a contemporary key, surely his melodic rap makes the songs pleasant to listen to and engaging.

Today more than ever it is important to have an artistic personality and your own musical vision that listeners may or may not like, the important thing is to be authentic!

We have heard the album and seen the official video of the song “Bounce hosted Fat Joe” that we propose in the head and as far as we are concerned the project seems credible and we recommend it.

Follow Him on :

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/freshmelodyflow/

Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/2AytK3iyAFP2hYmpUYnxZz?si=BMZWYJHeR8CBhL3H9EluNw

Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/it/artist/fresh-melody-flow/1537150653

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/FreshMelodyFlow

website : https://www.tipicolsound.it/

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