The Manorail- “Crime Story” Ft. Will Porter



Crime Stories… every city has them but this story in particular, courtesy of The Manorail & Will Porter, is straight out of New York City via the Lower East Side and Spanish Harlem.

The Manorail is a group consisted of producer Atrane, producer/ emcee Shish & emcee Sed Boog. They have a sound that is reminiscent of what some may call the “Good O’l Days” aka The Golden Era of Hip-Hop. With over 20 years of experience making beats, the crew felt the time was now to finally let some music fly and share it with the world.

Being connected with Spanish Harlem emcee Will Porter via Soundcloud, the trio reached out him and simply said “I like your stuff, lets work.” Will Porter wasted no time and recorded “Crime Story” in a day.

“I always made beats but I just lost the love for Hip-Hop but with the internet its allowed us to connect with like minded individuals and it honestly got me excited to create again” – says Atrane.

Now sit back relax and enjoy the show. By the way… this is #NOWTHATSHIPHOP Approved!

-Ms. Benzo

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