Track: MedafOracle – Time Is Money Featuring Ness Lee | @MedafOracle

Track: MedafOracle - Time Is Money Featuring Ness Lee
Track: MedafOracle - Time Is Money Featuring Ness Lee

Track: MedafOracle – Time Is Money Featuring Ness Lee

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Time. Also known as the fourth dimension and often spoken of and relatively mismanaged. Money. Also known as the root of all evil and often praised. Frequently stories are told of the two being managed horribly.
For one of many stories of this subject, medafOracle teams up with one the most distinct and respected battle rap veterans in Ness Lee. Collaborating in previous songs before, this one shows a different side of both artists’ abilities and outlook on said subjects of time and money. Blessed by the production hands of Paul Cabbin, medafOracle stays in the pocket with multi-syllabic story telling while Ness Lee smoothly laces the track with harmonic vocals behind the drum empty, heavy strings and synth production of Paul.
“Time and Money” is the single off medafOracle’s upcoming album entitled “Time”, scheduled for late spring of 2016 release. The album will be available at all online retail stores from iTunes, TIDAL to Google Play Music and Spotify.
Ness Lee’s next battle is scheduled in May in Atlanta, GA vs  E Ness for Dont Flop

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