Lefty Responds To Legal Analyst Monica Lindstrom Calling Him A Jodi Freak | #JodiArias @monicalindstrom

Lefty Responds To Legal Analyst Monica Lindstrom Calling Him A Jodi Freak
Lefty Responds To Legal Analyst Monica Lindstrom Calling Him A Jodi Freak

Lefty Responds To Legal Analyst Monica Lindstrom Calling Him A Jodi Freak

Man oh man was lefty on one this morning. The south Philly rapper went on a rant about Fox 10 News Reporter and KTAR Legal Analyst Monica Lindstrom and her comments about Jodi Arias supporters being Quote On Quote “Jodi Freaks.” Monica stated this in a interview she did with Jodi Arias’ former attorney Kirk Nurmi. Check out what the Philly rapper had to say.

So Fox 10 news reporter and KTAR Legal analyst Monica Lindstrom did an interview with Kirk Nurmi and called Jodi Arias supporters/Friends “Jodi Freaks.”

I was not going to say anything until I read her article with the following in it “I am not for the rapper and his video that he proclaims brings awareness to domestic violence”

At the end of the day, we are all entitled to our own opinion. But to call someone a “Jodi Freak” because we do not think she should die for her crime is a bit much if you ask me. And to use KTAR’s platform to do it is pretty low class. (Check Out The Article http://linkis.com/ktar.com/story/87819/CI0Jh)

Funniest thing is you would never sit down with a Jodi Arias Supporter/Friend to understand why they support Jodi or have a friendship with Jodi. All you want to do (Along With Fox 10 News) is show the bad stuff. Be a real reporter and show both sides Monica. That is all we ask for, is for people like you to be fair and do your job.

I will never need anyone like you to be in my corner or support my music. But you will respect me as an individual and cut the name calling out. Unless you want to sit down and tell me to my face how you really feel. I could respect that but what you are doing is lame. It really shows your character and the type of low life reporter that you are. Have a great day and God loves you Doll!

i am going to take a drink of tea on that note. Was the Philly rapper wrong or does have every right to be upset? Comment below.

Picture Of Monica Lindstorm

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