Track: Dirti Diana – Trending | @DIRTIDIANA


Track: Dirti Diana – Trending

Dirti Diana sets the air waves on fire with the new single “Trending”

Atlanta has welcomed the New York native Dirti Diana to the Mecca of entertainment.

As the evolution of music continues to change, so does the players of the game. Dirti Diana is one of the most lyrical female rappers we’ve come across in a very long time. “Trending” has Atlanta buzzing and the clubs jumping to the upbeat hypnotizing single.

Dirti Diana is far from new to the music industry and every strategic move is thought out and planned properly. The beautiful bold lyricist is in this game for the long haul and she displays that in her music.

The dedication that Diana puts into her career is phenomenal because she is such a focused female. Spare time takes a back seat in Diana’s life when it comes to making music and entertaining her fans.

When you combine brains, beauty and body together it equals Dirti Diana and the best part about that is she has a winning spirit. In Diana’s mind it’s – “Quitters never win and winners never quit”.

Recently Diana shot a new video for the single “Trending” and from the looks of things it should top the charts. The “Trending video took place in Atlanta Georgia and is being released shortly.

“Trending” gives Diana the platform to define her version of the word trending and it also allows her fans to engage in her campaigns and trending topics of the day.

Keep your eyes on Diana, she’s moving fast and not looking back.

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