Backstreet Peejay – Titans Over Spades @BackstreetPj


“Titans Over Spades” is an EP by Backstreet Peejay illustrating the victorious story of an underachiever who finally defeats his adversities. Though it’s 4 songs, This EP is nicely constructed with jazzy sounds, astounding flows and snappy beats with smooth transitions. The intro does a great job of preparing you for the tone of the project because Backstreet only waits a few seconds before he hits you right in the face with his sporadic cadence. Backstreet is heavily influenced by the south and he raps with such an edge that’s engaging to listeners. Hence, he’s usually mistaken to be from Chicago and is often compared to Isaiah Rashad or J.I.D but Backstreet definitely stands firm and erect in his own originality.

Titans is a metaphor for the obstacles that Backstreet Peejay encountered while going the great distance. After a longtime of playing the same hand with the cards he was dealt Backstreet sets out for more. He then realizes that the Spades he has fought for only earned him a seat at the table. The game isn’t over, which is why Backstreet concludes the project with a heartfelt song telling loved ones they have “no worries” and to let go. This song explains his mission and apology in advance for his absence while pursuing his dream.

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