Track: Doc Remedy – #Punchlines Featuring Napz! And Sax By LA | @docremedymusic

Track: Doc Remedy – #Punchlines Featuring Napz! And Sax By LA
Track: Doc Remedy – #Punchlines Featuring Napz! And Sax By LA

Track: Doc Remedy – #Punchlines Featuring Napz! And Sax By LA

Doc Remedy is gearing up for the release of his album #Punchlines produced by Rediculus (Platformz Records) and he brought a few antics along with him.  The title track featuring Cleveland vocalist .Napz! and saxophone played by L.A. Patterson, is a perfect showcase of what to expect from the album. Witty lyrics and a humorous approach to them, setting himself apart from many other lyricists in that respect. Doc Remedy is the Redman approach of the modern era!

Doc Remedy’s Bio:

Prhymal Rage co-founder and work horse behind many things. Doc Remedy provides services like Production, Mixing, Mastering and Printing (CD Inserts, Business Cards, Flyers etc) for a large number of artists. As an artist himself he is often compared to the likes of Everlast, Eminem, Sweatshop Union, Sage Francis & Atmosphere. Musical influences reigning in heavily from Classic Rock, Alternative Rock and Reggae genres, Doc Remedy is more or less labeled an “Anti-Hero” version of a Hip Hop Artist.  Plainly put, being referred to as a rapper is only the tip of the iceberg and he generally enjoys performing more so on multi-genre shows as the standalone Hip Hop act.

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